Aug 23, 2014 | PHP/MySQL Database
In a few circumstance, customers may be using a Remote MySQL database (for legacy support or other reason). Customer may login to (remote) phpMyAdmin, Issue the following SQL to get the current logged-in username – SELECT CURRENT_USER(); Issue the following SQL...
May 28, 2014 | PHP/MySQL Database, Web Hosting
In our shared hosting environment, the server PHP is running in suPHP mode for security and remove the PHP safe-mode restriction. If you install a new PHP application, remember to set – 1. All PHP are of (max) permission 644 2. All directories (and its...
May 28, 2014 | Web Application
Due to the various vulnerability of PHP program inside osCommerce (version 2.x) admin folder, it is HIGHLY recommend to set a password protected directory to your osCommerce admin folder (or the similar application, e.g. ZenCart, etc), such that without the admin...
May 28, 2014 | PHP/MySQL Database, Web Application, Web Hosting
Please refer to the following sample code. <?php # ###################################################################### # ######## MySQL Database Username, Password, and Database Name ######## #...
May 27, 2014 | DirectAdmin Control Panel, Web Application, Web Hosting, Website Builder
In general, you may import database backup via phpMyAdmin. However, in a rare circumstance, your database backup is large, and cannot import via phpMyAdmin. If so, you may use the following way to import it. Upload your MySQL dump output file onto the server Create a...
May 27, 2014 | Web Application, Web Hosting, Website Builder
Some loyal customer may find the MySQL database version is 4.0.27 (but not MySQL 5.x) From our past test upgrade experience, if we directly in-place upgrade the MySQL , as MySQL 4.0 uses 1 collation – Latin1 – to store data, whereas 4.1 (or above) contains...