Website Solution Knowledge Base

AnyDesk for Android Remote Support

AnyDesk is a well-known remote support tool Inside "Google Play" , search: AnyDesk , and install it Open it Allow notification   You must install "AnyDesk Plugin ad1" for remote control Install "AnyDesk plugin ad1" Agree to activate the plugin Inside Android...

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Phishing – Suspected Domain Scam

Sometimes, users may receive the following style of emails, claiming expiration, or internet keywords, or domain names, etc. You may try to search the contact information inside Google, to help you determine the next action. (F.Y.I. - in most cases, the cases we...

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How to add WhatsApp Icon into Weebly website

Inside Weebly editor, goto Settings -> SEO -> Header Code Copy the following, paste it into Header Code, remember to change 85212345678 to your WhatsApp number (852 is the area code for Hong Kong).  Save it, and publish (if ready to publish).   <!--...

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How to archive IMAP emails in Outlook?

Over time, some users have accumulated many emails on IMAP folder. In addition, there may even be Outlook users whose IMAP PST files exceed the recommended limit for Outlook. Users can connect to the IMAP server to archive emails through Outlook to free up the server...

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Suggestions to Secure WordPress website

To reduce Internet threat (i.e. being hacked) against your WordPress, you may consider to Backup your WordPress (files + database) regularly Keep WordPress (core , theme , plugin) are updated Use Strong password for admin users Use Two Factor Authentication (2FA) Use...

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About MariaDB (and MySQL) SQL Mode

Starting from MariaDB 10.2 and MySQL 5.7, the default SQL Mode will be changed - From the original default "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION", Change to "ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY, STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, NO_ZERO_DATE, ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER, and...

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Redirect from http to https

If user installed SSL, and wants the entire website redirect from HTTP to HTTPS, users can add the following to .htaccess. (Before modifying, if there is an existing .htaccess file, remember to backup first) RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule (.*)...

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