Redirect from http to https

If user installed SSL, and wants the entire website redirect from HTTP to HTTPS, users can add the following to .htaccess. (Before modifying, if there is an existing .htaccess file, remember to backup first) RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule (.*)...

Redirect Website Particular Folder to Another Folder

In some circumstance, customer may update the website. Customer’s original website may be (e.g.) at /shop/ Customer’s new website may be (e.g.) at /shop2/ Then, after the new website (e.g.) /shop2/ launch, it’d better to redirect existing traffic...

PHP, Notepad and Unicode

If you use Windows Notepad to edit PHP file and save it as Unicode, then you may have probability to encounter PHP errors – “Cannot send session cookie – headers already sent by …” If you use Notepad to edit PHP and save as Unicode Then,...

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